WFA Course

IdRaHaJe partners with NOLS WMI to host a Wilderness First Aid Course each May for our own staff. Limited spaces are also open for the public to join.  To learn more about NOLS WMI Wilderness First Aid Course and Certification, please visit their website.

2025 WFA Course Information

Dates: Friday & Saturday,  May 16-17, 2025

Times:  Day 1, 7:45-5:00 PM, Day 2, 8:00-5:00 (An hour lunch break will be given each day)

Course: $320, Bunkroom-style Lodging: $25/night, Meals (Friday Lunch-Saturday Lunch): $11/meal

Location:  IdRaHaJe’s Gym & Education Center, Green Meadow Lodge & Surrounding Property located in Bailey, CO.  We do not have camping spaces available on site but can provide suggestions for nearby campgrounds.


  • Go to
  • Create an account or sign in
  • Choose “Wilderness First Aid Course” and start your “application”
  • On Step 1, sign up each participant (must be at least 16 to register)
  • On Step 2, add the course to your cart and choose any applicable “Session Options” for each participant
  • Step 3 requires you to fill out required forms for each participant
  • Steps 4 & 5 involve payment

Questions? Contact Amber DeBoer, IdRaHaJe’s Mountain Lab School Supervisor at or call 303-838-5668.


Please take time to review the following from WMI:

Wilderness Medicine Communicable Diseases Mitigation Practices

NOLS Wilderness Medicine Student Agreement (this does not need to be completed before arrival on Day 1, but participants will be given physical copies of this to sign upon arrival).

WFA Course Overview