MLS Classes

Mountain Lab School Classes

All classes, unless otherwise noted, are designed to fill a 2-hour time block.  Modifications can be made to shorten classes for some grade levels.

5-7 Year Olds

  • Animal Homes
  • Climb Time
  • Friendship Games
  • Incredible Insects
  • Liking Lichen
  • Nature Explorers
  • Pioneer Days
  • Splash! All about Water
  • Survival Basics
  • Terrific Trees
  • Treasure Hunt
  • Wild about Wildlife                                                              

8 Years and Above

  • Animal Habitats
  • Animal Tracking
  • Archery 1
  • Climbing 1
  • Erosion
  • Geology
  • Horsemanship
  • Horse Care
  • Initiative Games
  • Nature Hike
  • Nature Photography
  • Pioneer Studies
  • Rocky Mountain Predators
  • Survival Skills-Shelters

10 Years and Above

  • Big Valley
  • Bouldering
  • Orienteering
  • Rappelling 1 (30 ft)
  • Riflery
  • Survival Skills-Fires
  • Team Building Challenge 

11 Years and Above

  • High Ropes Course

12 Years and Above

  • Archery 2
  • Climbing 2
  • Rappelling 2 (150 ft) Requires a 4-hour block to complete

13 Years and Above

  • Advanced High Ropes Course
  • Team Ropes Course
  • Ultimate Survival Requires a 4-hour block to complete


5-7 Years Old (Kindergarten-2nd Grade)

ANIMAL HOMES: During this class, students will be introduced to animal habitats, what animals need to survive, and how various types of homes help animals to thrive in their environments. Students will learn through several activities and games, followed by an opportunity to test their knowledge by building their own “mouse home”!

CLIMB TIME-ON BELAY: This class introduces students to climbing walls and how to trust a belay (safety) system using one of IdRaHaJe’s climbing areas. Safety gear like harnesses, helmets, carabiners and climbing ropes will be introduced and used. Students will each get a chance to climb as they practice the universal commands of rock climbers. “On belay?”  “Belay On!”

FRIENDSHIP GAMES: One of the most important skills for anyone to learn is how to be a good friend.  In this active class, students will play games, make a craft and hear stories all about what it takes to be a good friend.  Students should leave knowing that friends should be fun, kind, patient, helpful and trustworthy.

INCREDIBLE INSECTS: During this class students will be introduced to insect anatomy through detailed pictures, engaging discussion, a fun song, and hands-on activities. If weather allows students will learn to safely collect and examine live insects. If weather prohibits insect collection, students will examine insect specimens and make their own play-dough insect. Get ready for an incredible time!

LIKING LICHEN: This class introduces students to the amazing world of lichen! Students will participate in an interactive hike in order to identify various types of lichen, learn what lichen needs to survive, and play a game based on the symbiotic relationship of lichen. Finally, students will get the chance to view lichen microscopically and create a drawing of what they observe.

NATURE EXPLORERS: This class will introduce young students to hiking in nature. As students are guided along established trails, they will use their senses to experience the natural world. Smelling trees, listening to birds, spying patterns and movements with binoculars and collecting small samples will keep students engaged. Students will use their samples to create a craft that will preserve and display their favorite nature nuggets!

PIONEER DAYS: Students travel back in time to the days of the pioneers, covered wagons, and Early Americans in this unique class. Taught in an authentic pioneer cabin filled with antiques, students will learn about the daily life of a pioneer child through various activities. After making journey cake in a wood burning cook stove, students will complete homeschool lessons with slate boards, hear stories of pioneer children and play pioneer games.

SPLASH! ALL ABOUT WATER: In this class, students will learn about water in its various forms as they travel through the water cycle. Through songs, games, stories and crafts, learners will be exposed to the basics of evaporation, condensation, and precipitation. In addition, the importance of water conservation will be highlighted. Specific water activities will be weather dependent.

SURVIVAL BASICS: This class exposes young students to survival basics by teaching them what to do if they get lost, how to pack the “10 Essentials” and fire safety. Class will end with the instructor demonstrating safe fire building and students roasting marshmallows over the fire. (Class activities are dependent on local fire restrictions.)

 TERRIFIC TREES: Trees are everywhere and are fascinating to learn about. In this class, students will visit and identify 3-5 of the most common trees in Colorado’s mountains. Through hands on exploration, the bark, needles and pinecones will be investigated. By using their counting skills, students will learn how to tell the age of a tree. Students will take home their own miniature “tree” which they will craft from real tree pieces gathered along their hike. This class will end with an interactive song about trees.

TREASURE HUNT-LEARN TO READ A MAP: Map reading is becoming a lost skill in today’s electronic world of smart phones. From a young age, developing critical thinking skills and spatial intelligence is so important. Working as a team and with the help of an instructor, students will get to practice reading a map, searching for clues around IdRaHaJe’s Mountain Village and ultimately finding a special treasure that they will get to take home as a souvenir.

WILD ABOUT WILDLIFE: Starting in our wildlife classroom, filled with mounts and pelts of over 20 of Colorado’s most common wildlife, students will investigate, classify and identify animals based on a variety of age-appropriate features. Through a variety of hands-on activities, students will then learn the difference between predator and prey and wild and domestic. This class will end with an outdoor hunt for signs of wildlife and learning how to respect wildlife.

8 Years and Above (3rd Grade+)

ANIMAL HABITATS: Through a variety of hands-on activities and games, students will learn how the components of an animal’s habitat affect its ability to survive.  Students will go on a “habitat hunt” to evaluate the habitats of animals native to the Rocky Mountains. Students will also have the chance to act as mule deer in search of food, water and shelter while competing with others.  Through these activities, the concepts of interdependency, carrying capacity and limiting factors will be highlighted. The class will end with students considering how increasing human development affects a habitat and what actions can be taken to preserve natural habitat areas for our Colorado wildlife.

ANIMAL TRACKING: This class introduces students to the practice of animal tracking. To begin, the instructor will involve students in a presentation of key concepts related to animal tracking such as common animal signs, classifying tracks and safety concerns. Students will bring these combined skills together as they head outside as a group observing and collecting data on animal tracks and other common animal signs.

ARCHERY 1: This class introduces the sport of archery. Students will learn the different parts of the equipment, how to properly handle a bow and arrow, and proper shooting technique, which will lead to successful shooting. After each round of practice, students will record data and note areas for improvement in following rounds. The class will end with a team challenge where students will put to practice their new skills and knowledge.

CLIMBING 1: This class introduces students to the sport of rock climbing using IdRaHaJe’s 45-foot climbing tower or indoor Rock Barn. Students will be instructed on the various safety systems, climbing equipment, technique and terminology used by rock climbers all over the world. Opportunities to climb various routes as well as practice climbing techniques will be provided to students during this class.

EROSION: This class introduces students to erosion, weathering, and deposition. Starting indoors, the instructor will use a Power Point Presentation and various activities to teach key concepts and terms related to erosion. Then, the class will head outside to find areas and examples of erosion and discuss causes. Finally, students will use their knowledge of erosion control to construct a model of a road and design a system to protect it from washing away in a rainstorm.

GEOLOGY OF THE ROCKY MOUNTAIN MOUNTAINS: Students will dig deep into the geology of the Rocky Mountains with hands-on experiences collecting data and classifying common Colorado rocks and minerals. Class will start with a review of basic geologic concepts and a tour of IdRaHaJe’s unique rock collection. Students will then spend time on a geology hike making field observations on basic geologic features. Students will return from the hike and practice classifying rocks and minerals using scientific classification methods.

HORSEMANSHIP: This class will be broken into two portions: a mountain trail ride on horseback and an arena session. During the trail ride session, students will learn basic rein control and be paired with a horse suited for their comfort level. The trail ride typically takes 35-40 minutes to complete. The arena session will include instruction on the following concepts: basic grooming, saddling, parts of a horse and activities focused on horse control. Long pants and closed toed shoes are required for this class. IdRaHaJe provides and requires helmets for each rider. The trail ride portion of class is subject to weather and trail conditions. This class is offered on a limited basis and requires an extra fee.

HORSE CARE: Working with our trained wranglers and IdRaHaJe’s winter herd, this class covers the basics of horse care.  The curriculum will focus on grooming, saddling, leading, nutrition and other essentials. Riding is not included, but students will have hands-on practice caring for a horse assigned to them and a partner. Part of the experience will involve time at our outdoor arena, so dress with appropriate layers based on the weather. Long pants and closed toed shoes are required for this class. This class is offered on a limited basis and requires an extra fee.

INITIATIVE GAMES (Social Emotional Learning Games): This class serves as a significant opportunity for students to develop deeper bonds with their classmates. Through a variety of games and unique activities, students will interact closely with each other as they communicate effectively, solve problems and begin to build trust. The instructor will facilitate the students’ experience as they take initiative to work as a team. After major activities, the instructor will help the students to process and transfer their learning to larger contexts within and beyond the Mountain Lab School Experience.

NATURE HIKE: While hiking along Camp’s various trails, students will be introduced to common trees, plants, wildlife and geologic features. Along with learning to identify various species, students will discuss the interrelationships of our unique mountain ecology. This active class will involve approximately 90 minutes of hiking over mountainous terrain and a 30-minute lesson introducing students to field guides and nature journaling.

NATURE PHOTOGRAPHY: This class brings technology and nature together. Using a Power Point Presentation inside, the instructor will define nature photography and provide tips for using cameras and taking photos. Students will then go outside and complete a scavenger hunt looking for objects in nature to photograph. Photographs will be taken with iPads. The class will end with students sharing and critiquing images taken.

PIONEER STUDIES: Students travel back in time to the days of the pioneers, covered wagons, and Early Americans in this unique class. Taught in an authentic pioneer cabin filled with antiques, students will learn about the daily life of a pioneer child through various activities. After making journey cake in a wood burning cook stove, students will also work together to make homemade butter, complete homeschool lessons with slate boards and play pioneer games.

ROCKY MOUNTAIN PREDATORS: Students will be involved in learning about the main predators of our Rocky Mountains, and specifically those which make IdRaHaJe “home.” This multi-sensory class will not only equip students with unique information about each predators’ adaptations but will also teach students how to live with wildlife.

SURVIVAL SKILLS-SHELTER BUILDING: Whether preparing to go on a simple hike, an overnight camping trip or for the possibility of a natural disaster, there are basic survival skills that everyone should possess. This class exposes students to the necessary steps in preparing and planning for a survival situation. Students also learn and practice the important skill of “tarp-style” shelter building.

10 Years and Above (5th+)

BIG VALLEY: Using the scientific method, students will conduct a comparative study of north vs. south facing slopes in a valley on Camp’s property. Students will collect data on each slope observing the flora, fauna, soil, temperature and humidity. Through comparing the data from each slope and additional instruction, students will learn how Colorado’s mountain slopes are greatly affected by their aspect and Colorado’s latitude. This hands-on class is best suited for students who have a basic understanding of ecosystems, basic geography and weather.

BOULDERING: This class will take place inside IdRaHaJe’s Boulder House which was built specifically for the sport of bouldering. Bouldering is rock climbing at heights of 14 feet or below with the use of spotters and crash pads for protection rather than ropes and harnesses. Students will learn basic climbing terms, techniques and movements during the class while climbing and spotting in a group of students. The class will end with different challenges and opportunities to reflect on how the lessons learned in class can transfer beyond their experience at the Mountain Lab School.

ORIENTEERING-COMPASS SKILLS: This class introduces students to the basics of orienteering by focusing on understanding how to use a compass. After learning the basic parts of a compass, students will head outside to apply their learning by identifying the cardinal directions and shooting various bearings. Along with this, the concept of pacing will be taught, a common skill used in orienteering competitions. The class will end with students working together to combine the skills of pacing and shooting bearings as they complete IdRaHaJe’s orienteering course

RAPPELLING 1: Rappelling is the act of descending a rock face or other near vertical surface by using ropes and a fixed anchor point. In this class, students will learn the gear used in rappelling, safety systems, commands and how to properly rappel. Rappelling 1 takes place on IdRaHaJe’s 30-foot rock face.

RIFLERY: Using BB guns and IdRaHaJe’s outdoor riflery range, students will be introduced to the sport of target rifle shooting. This class will cover gun safety, basic rifle knowledge, how to properly and safely handle a rifle, and basic rifle shooting technique. Students will participate in several rounds of shooting to practice the skills taught in a safe and monitored environment during this class.

SURVIVAL SKILLS-FIRE BUILDING: Whether preparing to go on a simple hike, an overnight camping trip or for the possibility of a natural disaster, there are basic survival skills that everyone should possess. This class exposes students to the necessary steps in preparing and planning for a survival situation. Students also learn and practice the important skill of fire building with both matches and flint & steel. (Class is dependent on local fire restrictions.)

TEAM BUILDING CHALLENGE: In this class, students will work together as a team to overcome various low ropes course elements that are up to 3 feet off the ground. Instructors will sequence the obstacles from simple to complex during the 2-hour class period. The obstacles require students to solve both simple and complex problems, communicate, take on leadership roles, think creatively and build trust. This is a great class for students to explore what makes an effective team and how they individually can be a better “team player.”

11 Years and Above (6th+)

HIGH ROPES COURSE: This class provides students with a challenging experience to complete an obstacle course, 25-40 feet off the ground, while hooked into a safety system to protect any falls. IdRaHaJe’s ropes course contains several traversing elements constructed of logs, cables, ropes and nets. After completing various elements, students will be sent off the 250-foot zip line which completes the course.

12 Years and Above (7th+)

RAPPELLING 2: Rappelling is the act of descending a rock face or other near vertical surface by using ropes and a fixed anchor point. This class will begin with a mile-long hike over mountainous terrain to the top of IdRaHaJe’s 150 ft. rock face. Students will learn the gear used in rappelling, safety systems, commands and how to properly rappel. Each student will be given the opportunity to complete the rappel at least once. This class is best completed in a 4-hour block. 

ARCHERY 2: This class allows students to compare a compound bow with a recurve bow. Students will  learn range safety, how to properly handle each type of bow, explore proper shooting technique and shoot several rounds. After each round of practice, students will record data and note areas for  improvement in following rounds. Prerequisite: Archery 1.

CLIMBING 2: This class introduces students to what it means to be the belayer in a rock-climbing partnership. Belayers are responsible for knowing how to check the climber’s and their own personal safety gear, properly secure the climber’s rope and tend the rope to protect the climber from a fall. With guidance and direct supervision from trained IdRaHaJe staff, students will have the chance to belay each other at one of IdRaHaJe’s climbing areas. Great follow-up to Climbing 1!

13 Years and Above (8th+)

ADVANCED HIGH ROPES COURSE: This class provides students with a challenging experience to complete our advanced obstacle course, 25-40 feet off the ground, while hooked into a safety system. IdRaHaJe’s ropes course contains several traversing elements constructed of logs, cables, ropes and nets. IdRaHaJe staff will manage the safety systems from the grounds, but students will be responsible for transferring themselves from one system to the next. After completing the obstacles, students will be sent off a 250-foot zip line which completes the course.

TEAM HIGH ROPES COURSE: This class provides students with a challenging experience to complete an obstacle course with a team of 2-4 others, 25-40 feet off the ground, while hooked into a safety system to protect against any falls. The Team Course contains a variety of unique and physically challenging elements constructed of cables, ropes, barrels, boards and nets. The class will begin with a thorough explanation of the safety systems and gear necessary to complete the course, and each team will have the opportunity to complete between 1-5 obstacles with their team.

ULTIMATE SURVIVAL:  This 4-hour program tests students’ ability to work as a team, search for essential survival tools with the help of a map or GPS device and solve a variety of survival problems. Students should be physically fit, have basic survival and orienteering knowledge and understand how to work as a team member to participate.  Be prepared to get dirty, travel more than a mile and assess your tenacity.