IdRaHaJe Christian Camping Internship (ICCI) is a life-changing program designed for college-aged students pursuing a career in outdoor education, camp ministry, youth ministry, education, or any related field. This experience includes high quality training, hands-on learning, teaching, certifications, college credit, reflection, and evaluation.
The internship will take place at IdRaHaJe, which stands for I’d Rather Have Jesus, a Christian Camp located in Bailey, Colorado. IdRaHaJe was founded in 1948 as a Christian summer camp and today runs year-round programs including summer camps, outdoor education, and retreats. Its highly qualified staff, location, and diverse programs make it an exceptional place for interns to learn about the many facets of camping ministry.
During the school year, the ICCI will primarily take place through IdRaHaJe’s Mountain Lab School, which is an outdoor education program. Interns will be trained as outdoor education instructors for IdRaHaJe’s Mountain Lab School (MLS) while also completing college-level course work centered on philosophy and theory of outdoor education programming. During this time, interns will work with different school groups teaching and facilitating outdoor education classes, night programs and camp activities for various ages.
While not working directly with the MLS program, interns will experience other areas of Christian camping such as retreat groups, housekeeping, food service, maintenance, construction, marketing and community events. The winter months will also provide time for interns to learn about summer camp ministry by assisting in summer program development and curriculum writing.
Interns will play a vital role in IdRaHaJe’s 8-week summer camp ministry to end their internship experience. Each intern will be assigned to a summer position that meets their gifts, passions and career goals as well as serves the overall needs of IdRaHaJe.
In addition to getting hands-on work experience, interns will earn various professional certifications and have opportunities to grow personally through discipleship, Christ-centered community, regular evaluations, and intentional times of personal reflection. Interns will be provided on-site housing, many meals, and a weekly stipend.
IdRaHaJe’s Internship starts in the middle of August and runs until the beginning of August the following year. Time off will be given for Thanksgiving and Christmas breaks. In addition, each intern will be given up to five vacation days per semester.
Program Costs
The program cost for IdRaHaJe’s internship is $1,200, which includes the following:
- Archery Instructor Certification
- Science Educator Certifications (Project Learning Tree, WET & WILD)
- Leave No Trace Trainer Certification
- ACCT Level 1 Challenge Course Facilitator Certification
- Wilderness First Aid Certification
- Travel & related costs for various trips and events
- Week-long technical canyoneering trip in Utah
- Christian Camping Rocky Mountain Sectional Conference
- Outdoor Education Site Visits
- Required Texts
Please note: A $200 required payment is required at the start of the program. There is a payroll deduction option available for the remaining balance. A $100 housing deposit is required for all interns and is fully refundable upon satisfactory inspection at the completion of the program.
The program cost does not include the following:
- Meals when there are no groups on camp and kitchens are not running.
- Specialized outdoor clothing and shoes for all Colorado weather conditions.
- Personal rock-climbing gear (harness).
College Credit
College credit is available for interns desiring it through IdRaHaJe’s partnership with Colorado Christian University. Interns will able to register, through the individual college, for a variety of outdoor leadership courses, which will cost an additional fee. To learn more about college credit opportunities, contact Amber DeBoer, Intern Supervisor at or 303-838-5668.
College credit is an optional route, and is not required for interns. Most of the courses are integrated into our training throughout the year and will be knowledge and skills that interns will be expected to obtain with or without the credit. This will not affect your certifications or your pay received during the internship. Additional fees for college credit will be paid directly to the university.
- A solid and growing relationship with Jesus Christ.
- A desire to work with and teach children in camp setting.
- Evidence of strong work ethic, responsibility, and maturity.
- A mentality of servanthood.
- Must be a minimum of 18 years of age with a high school diploma or equivalent.
- Must be able to fully participate in the entire 1-year program.
- Must be accepted through IdRaHaJe’s staff application and interview process.
Opportunities for Personal Growth
IdRaHaJe Interns will have intentional time during their program to develop themselves as healthy individuals. This will include time set apart for reading the Bible and prayer, group devotions, book study, reflection on emotional and mental health, and spiritual discipleship. Full-time staff members will meet regularly with individual interns to act as mentors facilitating personal growth.
Opportunities for Professional Growth
- Receive specific training to design, teach, and run outdoor education classes and programs.
- Extensive opportunities to teach and facilitate outdoor education and camp programs.
- Obtain nationally recognized certifications.
- Service work opportunities.
- Training in curriculum development.
- Ongoing mentorship, training and evaluation from Christian camping professionals.
- In-depth experience with summer camp theory, philosophy and program development.
- Earn college credit.
- Gain confidence in public speaking.
- Build skills in exercising leadership responsibilities.
- Foster high levels of teamwork and communication.
- Mentoring high school-aged volunteers.
- Assistance with resume-building.
Program Directorship
The IdRaHaJe Christian Camping Internship will be directed by IdRaHaJe’s Mountain Lab School Supervisor, Amber DeBoer, who has worked in the field of education and camp ministry since 1998 and holds a Master’s Degree in Outdoor Education. Under this directorship, interns will also work closely with and be trained by IdRaHaJe’s many highly qualified and credentialed full-time staff during the internship.
Community Life
The internship program at IdRaHaJe offers a style of living that focuses on Christ-centered community. Not only will interns work closely with full-time staff members, they will also live in community with other interns in on-site housing. Housing situations allow for development of vital social skills and fellowship among other believers. The relational skills learned through the internship program will be transferrable to any future career or life pursuit.
Housing Accommodations
Intern housing on camp will be with same-sex interns. If an intern is married, housing accommodations will be determined on a case-by-case basis. Interns will be able to move into their housing accommodations the day before the internship begins. If housing is needed before that, interns will need to contact Camp. Housing options may be available. Accommodations will include a full kitchen and laundry facilities. Interns will not be guaranteed internet access in their homes, but a work space will be provided with internet. Housing will also be available during Thanksgiving and Christmas breaks, but no meals will be provided during that time. All housing accommodations will require an initial deposit of $100 which can be fully refunded at the end of the internship based on a satisfactory inspection upon check-out.
Application Process
To begin, fill out the complete application for IdRaHaJe Christian Camping Internship. (If you have already been hired as a Summer Staff for the summer right before the internship, be sure to choose the modified application option.) Once you have completed your application, send your references the link that is included. After IdRaHaJe has received your application and references, we will contact you for an interview. If you are hired, you will be contacted with an agreement and additional information for the internship.
Contact Amber DeBoer at or call 303-838-5668.