General Information
IdRaHaJe will take into consideration the latest guidance published by the CDC and CDPHE concerning COVID-19. At a minimum, we will follow our local health department for all operational requirements.
Health Checks and Illness Management
- Guests will be asked to review our current Public Health Acknowledgement & Disclosure Information at the time of registration.
- We may promote staggered check-in times or staging areas for guests.
- Please use the guidance provided by the state, How Sick is Too Sick?, to determine if your child should attend an IdRaHaJe program.
- We may conduct enhanced health checks upon participant arrival to include a temperature check and an additional questionnaire to assess shortness of breath, cough, chest tightness, fever, or other symptoms of communicable disease.
- In addition to our current protocols to manage typical illnesses that occur at camp, we also have developed a specific communicable illness response protocol which includes COVID-19.
Guest group sizes might be limited according to the latest information published on Park County’s COVID-19 Dial Dashboard.
If physical distancing is required or recommended, expect the following:
- Programs that typically encourage close contact but are not dependent upon it will be modified to maintain distancing requirements.
- Programs that have brief moments of close contact (belayed activities in adventure classes) may require some form of mask wearing.
- Meal-time accommodations may allow for distancing and may involve non-traditional dining spaces.
- Participants might be cohorted to limit exposure.
Mask Wearing:
- IdRaHaJe staff will follow guidance provided by our local health department on decisions regarding mask wearing.
- Currently, our local county health department is not requiring mask-wearing.
Cleaning & Sanitizing Procedures
- We have reviewed and updated all our cleaning, disinfecting and sanitizing protocols to help protect our guests and staff.
- IdRaHaJe is striving to meet or exceed standards set by the Centers for Disease Control and Colorado Department of Public Health. Click here for the CDPHE’s standards and here for the CDC’s standards.